The tranny should have cream-pied her, and then stayed kissing her, and then after 3 or 4 minutes, they should get into 69 position and then both eat and swallow their conjoined love. ... Any male/female or tranny/female couple can do that. ... No talking throughout sex, and lots of deep French kissing, and couple should try to both cum at same time (and visualize shared desire at time of orgasm too). But always eat the creampie afterwards.
Anonymous 1320 days ago
The tranny should have cream-pied her, and then stayed kissing her, and then after 3 or 4 minutes, they should get into 69 position and then both eat and swallow their conjoined love. ... Any male/female or tranny/female couple can do that. ... No talking throughout sex, and lots of deep French kissing, and couple should try to both cum at same time (and visualize shared desire at time of orgasm too). But always eat the creampie afterwards.
Anonymous 2778 days ago
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Anonymous 2983 days ago